Life insurance without an exam, who is it best for?

Getting life insurance without a medical exam makes sense for someone in good health. The cost for a no exam policy for a healthy person varies little from a policy that requires an exam. You may even qualify for preferred rates, making a no exam policy an even more suitable option for you. Most people opt for term life insurance with no medical exam when looking for this type of policy. A No Medical Exam Life Insurance Policy saves you time and eliminates the hassle of having to get a medical exam. Plus, while a fully underwritten policy will take 4-6 weeks to issue, a no exam life insurance policy can issue in as little as 15 minutes to 48 hours. Not 4-6 weeks like a fully underwritten policy.

Save time and hassle.

No Exam vs. Guaranteed Issue

A common misconception about a no exam life insurance policy is that most people think because it says “no exam” that they’ll automatically qualify for this type of policy, this is not true. There are types of policies that everyone can qualify for, no matter the state of health, those are called ‘Guaranteed Issue’ policies and are much different from a No-Exam policy.

With No-Exam policies there is underwriting. Insurance companies that offer No Medical Exam options run reports from the medical information bureau, an RX report (which lets them know the medications you take), and check your driving record with a motor vehicle report. If something raises a red flag, various companies may order Doctor Records to make sure you’re a good risk.

Take a look below. We have all the guidelines from every no exam life insurance company. Compare the details of what they offer all in one place. We’ve made it the even more of a time-saving and less-hassle option for you, by offering a quote engine that shops just the insurance companies that offer ‘No Medical Exam’ options.

“Is a ‘No-Exam’ Policy Right for ME?”

Yes. If you desire convenience and speed at a fair price.

Prices have really become competitive as more companies begin offering no exam insurance options. This policy option is the best route to go, especially if you’re thinking of a policy at a value level of $500,000 and below considering you will not have to take an exam.

“Why not a fully underwritten policy with an exam; isn’t it a better price?”

Not necessarily. It could very easily come back at a higher price than you expected. You might think that you can get a better price by going the fully underwritten route and submitting to a Medical Exam, but that’s not for certain. You take a risk by going through an exam. Most of the time, when the exam is completed, the insurance company can find things wrong with you that you weren’t even aware of, especially if you have been healthy and haven’t seen your MD in a while. Things like – “Your cholesterol levels and ratios are high.” Or, “Your blood pressure is high,” and “You have high protein levels in your urine.” You tend to be a little heavier and shorter than you think. (You’re not alone, that’s most people, it’s why the companies do what they do.) When the insurance company finds these things, typically you won’t be getting the preferred rate class you originally thought you were when you applied for the policy.

The number one reason people don’t follow through with buying life insurance is that of how long it takes to get the policy issued. For fully underwritten policies you have to complete the application. You have to go through a medical exam. Then you have to wait weeks, sometimes months, for an underwriting decision. Altogether this can take, from start to finish, a total of 4- 8 weeks. Then after the policy is approved, if it’s approved, then you’re looking at another two weeks in turnaround time, with mailing the policy and signing all the delivery receipts, etc. Simply put, the fully underwritten options can take a long time to get the coverage you want.

With a No medical exam life insurance policy, the life Companies give you the benefit of the doubt and go by medications history and MIB reports, to make sure you are healthy. The policy level is decided on your health history and the way you live your life, not on the counts and measures obtained from a one-time exam.

No Exam Life Insurance Company Guidelines

Mutual Of Omaha

  • $50,000 to $250,000
  • 15/20/30 year term
  • Ages 18 years up to 60 years
  • Over Phone e-Applications
  • No Bodily Fluids or Para-Med. Possible APS required

Will most likely require a phone interview from this company. Mutual of Omaha offers no medical exam required for policies up to $250,000, and they usually issue within one to two weeks. The underwriters could order your doctor records, if something comes up on the APS or medication reports.


  • $50,000 to $250,000
  • 20 and 30 year term
  • Ages 18 years up to 55 years
  • Over Phone e-Applications
  • No Bodily Fluids or Para-Med. Possible APS required
Foresters offers a No Exam Term Life policy up to age 55. If you’re over 55 years, you can get a 20 year term, up to $100,000 in coverage. Underwriting takes up to two weeks. And, they can order doctor records plus a phone interview if there are discrepancies in the report or in answers on the application.

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